Sunday, June 8, 2008

Signs of Success

I just remembered today how I heard/read somewhere that the most successful people keep a diary or journal about what they see everyday and how they feel, so that's a motivator to keep this blog going although I'm probably the only person who reads it. Oh wells.

My last Band Banquet was yesterday! It was so bittersweet. Taking pictures during the reception was really fun. I'm getting better with my aim when taking pictures of myself and others, except for that one or two. I looked over all of my pictures like three times today. I just can't stop looking at them because everytime I do, my mind just floods with memories of the wonderful people in the picture. If I had the money and patience, I would print them all out on photo paper and put them in an album. Maybe I'll invest in a digital photo frame later instead... this is the 21st century after all.

So anyways after the reception, dinner was... interesting. We had a stowaway under our table who didn't pay his assessment. That was just strange. I played a drinking game with Jenny and Jeff, haha. It was fun. The awards dragged a little bit, but I wasn't bored or anything. The senior recognition slideshow was really entertaining! I love how mine turned out. Mission accomplished, I got Andrea bawling! I know it sounds mean, but it shows how much she cares. She, Jenny, and Heather know how much I care for them. I mean, I freakin sang falsetto on camera for them! I enjoyed it, though. Also, I made the Scarlet Rank! Yay for that. Presenting the Sundevil Spirit Award to Jay was fun too. I spent a lot of time on that framed award. I thought it really sucked how all of the award items get passed along and the recipients must eventually relinquish them all as well, so I hope I started a new tradition by allowing the recipients to keep something to remember the year they received the award. Elisia and I didn't have any words planned or anything so I just penned them really quick before we were called up to present.

Hmmm what else happened before the dance? Oh yeah, the leadership announcements. Some things went the way I wanted them to, others didn't. I'm glad no new flute section leaders were added, partly because I personally don't like the idea of somebody replacing me in the quartet and partly because I don't think it would have worked out anyways. For other sections, all I can say is good luck... I think a couple of mistakes were made. But then again, everything happens for a reason, we just have to wait and see. One thing wasn't a mistake for sure though, and that's Monica getting drum major! I was rooting for her all the way. She'll be an excellent drum major for the next two years, and I'm sure she'll be a great end to the Riturban legacy at Mt. Carmel. What a sad thought, the end of a line. I guess I'm the end, too. No more Pagadors! Well it's possible, but highly unlikely, since Pagador is a really uncommon last name.

Uhhhh what else? I only had two hours of sleep last night, actually this morning I should say, so my mind is kind of out of it. The dance was really dumb. That DJ was seriously the worst by far I have ever seen at any event. First he played a lot of swing music... that's inevitable since the juniors in APEL always have their dance of the decades before band banquet. But he played too much of it... then he moved on to old music which sucked for dancing when it first came out. I left after a while and literally waited an hour for him to start playing something good so I could go back in. Then he played more swing music. WTF. There was a little bit of drama going on during the dance, and I tried my best to be supportive of my friends. It all worked out, at least in the short term, however. I'm sure it'll resolve itself soon.

After alternating between dancing (during the rare occassion a good song came on) and chilling outside the ball room, the dance ended and we all left. Afterparty at Jeff's! That was fun. I dropped off some kids there then went home to take a shower because one of my pet peeves is feeling all gross and in need of a shower. Then I came back and hung out with people. We watched people playing Rock Band. I still don't really understand why people like that game and Guitar Hero so much. They don't really appeal to me. Later I jumped on the trampoline with Matt, Lara, and Taylor. Taylor came up with the freakiest story about some little Mexican ghost girl who was going to come up from under the trampoline and stab us up the ass. Then of course Matt had to freak us out various times hahaha. The rest of the time I was awake consisted of playing Apples to Apples and just talking. I think I fell asleep around 5? I can't remember specifically.

When we all got up again around... 8, I think, we just watched really freaky YouTube videos and talked some more. And now my tiredness is getting the best of me and I don't really feel like blogging about the rest haha. Whatevs, I'm a 2nd semester senior about to graduate. I'm allowed to be lazy and not finish things.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Justin! I read this xP Glad you had fun at banquet. I better be able to find you today, still need the yearbook signed. Take care