Thursday, July 3, 2008


Today I met a very creepy man. I went to the Carmel Mountain library because the PQ library didn't have the book I wanted. As I left, I held the door open for an old Middle Eastern man walking out. He thanked me and asked my name, and started casual small talk. Did I live around here, blah blah blah. That didn't seem too creepy. I thought he was either really friendly or senile, or possibly a combination of both. He told me his family just moved here from Pittsburgh, where they had lots of friends, so he was trying to make new friends here in San Diego. Oh, that's cool. I said. He asked if I was free today and of course my mental anti-rape reflexes spat out an excuse of why I wasn't. Tomorrow? No. Next week? Umm, maybe, I told him. I have a summer job and I'll see if I can get off... So I made a fake appointment to meet him again at the library next Thursday at 3, just to get him off my back. At first I thought he was nice, but he was really, really creepy. What old guy asks an 18-year old for coffee out of the blue and just "to talk"? Sounds like the stuff you hear about on the news about abduction. I have no intention of ever going back to that library. He even wrote down our "meeting" and asked my last name. I told him Rodriguez because it was the first thing that came to mind. Maybe that'll make him think I'm a Mexican, because very few Filipinos have that last name.

As I was going back to my car (he walked me there) he said something along the lines of "Be bold. Don't be afraid to come out of the closet!" and I was like "What?!" I didn't think I'm a flamer or anything, but even if he did guess correctly, it was none of his business since I just met him like 5 minutes ago. It was just really, really creepy. I felt really strange and unsafe after that so naturally I left to do errands in a (luckily) more crowded area of Carmel Mountain.

I feel bad because it's possible he's just a very friendly old man trying to man friends in a new city. But he is old enough to know that a 50+ year old man trying to befriend and 18 year old out of the blue is not normal, and would make most people suspicious. Oh well. By not going, the worst that could happen is that he gets disappointed. Who knows? I could see him on the news as a serial rapist and murderer soon.

Anyways, on a brighter note, I watched the fireworks today. Just got back, actually. We had a lovely view of the pole that holds up the stadium lights hahaha. It was a nice show, at least. I didn't even get stuck in traffic on the way home because I took the back road. Yay! Tomorrow's the 4th of July parade in RB. Just the thought of MC's first performance without me makes me feel kind of weird... but I'm not saying I'd do it again. Four years is the perfect amount. Band has been my life, but it is no longer what I devote most of my time to. Life's sweeping me in other directions, and I'm eager to try other things.

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