Thursday, May 15, 2008

Easier to be

Life is going well. I only have to worry about AP Physics (nothing new) and then I can stop caring, officially.

I love my friends. They constantly remind me that they're the kind of people I've wanted to know for so long. I can be myself, totally and completely, without being afraid. They've proven me wrong, they've prove me right, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Still super excited for Ucla. I can throw myself out there and get involved and just enjoy life. Even though my parents pay basically no attention to me, I still anticipate "throwing off the yoke". They never know what I'm up to, but there's always that small chance that they might hear about it somehow. I'm not saying I do anything bad, I just bend the truth once in a while to get away from them. I won't have to worry about that in college. Yay!

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